Embarking on a New Job
Changing jobs is often a symptom of a desire for professional and personal development. Today, new professions are born and many people are not satisfied with their daily working conditions or tasks.
- Why will an individual want to change their job?
Are you disgusted, tired or at loggerheads with line supervisors or colleagues? Are you carrying out an in-depth assessment of your situation? Please, know that you are frustrated because you are not putting in your best in your job. You no longer accept a suborbinate position and want to be self-reliant or start your own business. You are no longer at ease with your work pace. In short, enough points that can provide answers to this simple question: if I had the opportunity to practice the same profession in another company, will I be better off? If the answer is no, it means that you need to change the profession.
- What changing jobs entails
One of the risks, and perhaps the most stressful, is knowing whether or not you are making a mistake in your initiative.
Any conversion or change in career requires a lot of dynamism and determination. Changing jobs is taking risks. It is a question of commitment, personal dynamism with financial implications. Time is needed to make preparations to leave your current environment to the new environment. You run the risk of staying a few weeks or months without any activity.
- What is needed for this change?
Assess all what you have learnt in the course of your working life. Evaluate the skills acquired or developed. Since this is not an easy task, it is not advisable to do it alone. Talk about it to your loved ones because the change will affect them in one way or the other. If necessary, consult a specialist (guidance and vocational counsellor, job advisor, psychologist …) who will help you to assess your skills.
Find out about the new environment that you want to integrate; spot out positive and negative aspects of that environment, seek the necessary documents, develop a career plan consistent with your new goals, ask questions, leave no question unanswered or with unsatisfactory answer in your mind.