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25 May

10 tips for successful academic and vocational guidance

1: Prepare as soon as possible for its orientation
Do not wait until the last minute to worry about your choice of orientation. To really define one's orientation takes time all the more as cravings, intuitions, opportunities constantly evolve.

In some European countries, there are guidance counselors (I assure you: they are not all effective), but do not hesitate to be accompanied by a professional, an acquaintance, or even a family member with some credibility and neutrality towards your goals.
2: To get to know each other better before getting oriented:
There is an African proverb that says that if you do not know where you are going, then let's see where we come from. And this adage takes all the more sense in this article.

To know oneself is simply to know who one really is. What are my strengths, my weak points? What are my favorite subjects? Which I like least, if at all? What is my current grade level? What are the values ​​that are important to me? Am I a person who can study long and seriously? Am I interested in studying and continuing in the next few years? Do I have a family circle ready to accompany me, support me in my project of study ....

Am I interested in long, short courses? Traditional or professional?
It is important to know your desires / abilities to better choose the training adapted to your desires.

The result of this step would be to realize if possible a first assessment of personality or personal assessment
3: Be curious: get information, be on standby and gather as much information as you can
It is very important, when looking for direction, to be interested in what happens in real time on the market:

Be constantly awake (before, during and after the school counseling process)
go to trade shows, forums or any event for professional training and employment
contact or go to meet professionals from fields that may interest
learn as much as possible about the needs, supply and demand of the labor market via traditional media, social networks, web, physical networks; training that leads to employment
find out about universities, schools, institutes and other training organizations: levels of training, alumni, older siblings, friends, training courses offered ...
This step will allow you to confront your desires, needs, to the realities of the job market


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